The July 2, 2010 issue of IT Europa (#12) published an interview with Ulrich Lasarzik, CEO of the IBA Group’s German office. Entitled IBA looks back on German breakthrough, plans for future, the feature examines how IBA IT GmbH was set up and grew in parallel with the German IT industry.
Continue readingHernan Lopez Varela, Senior Director, Microsoft Alliance at Yahoo discusses the initial challenges of outsourcing to a BPO Provider and the importance of building a strong partnership
Continue readingAlsbridge Senior Manager, Ted Webb, talks about trends and developments in the F&A outsourcing market.
Continue readingIn a year wracked by slowing down of global economies, Europe may well emerge the top outsourcing continent, beating North America for the first time.
Continue readingA few months ago, Gartner’s Robert Brown, Research VP, authored a report entitled “Business Process Outsourcing Vendor Consolidations: Is Your Contract at Risk?” in which he says that he expects a full quarter of today’s top 20 BPO providers will not exist (in their current entity) by 2012.
Continue readingIs your IT department worth its place on your payroll ?With the advances in technology simplifications, cloud computing and outsourcing contracts, is it worth keeping them on?
Continue readingCould some of the big names in outsourcing be among the victims of the much-hyped shift to cloud computing?
Continue readingThe old school outsourcers that take over a company’s data center and its hardware and applications may not be the most robust market left in the market. Here’s why: IT executives are looking at retiring some of their equipment and replacing it because their servers and software are getting old and obsolete.
Continue readingUnlocking IT value is the Holy Grail for many CIOs and executives concerned about the vast sums of money spent on IT. However, when asked, many executives have great difficulty in defining what they mean by value. No wonder it is so elusive!
Continue readingOutsourcing has become a solid strategy for organizations looking to improve productivity and reduce costs. Today, companies are no longer asking “should we do this?” but rather, “what region makes the most sense?”
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