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As an offshoot of Adam Smith’s ‘competitive advantage’ theory in the 1700’s, outsourcing has gained popularity and has been a great opportunity for companies and workers alike through the years.

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Selecting the right outsourcing company to provide assistance to your business may be difficult as there are more than enough choices for the right outsourcing company.

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Meet The Don of BPO (Part 2)

Don talks to us about whether shared services are really dying, the changing role of advisors, and where he sees the BPO industry moving in the future… and what he means by “verticalizing the horizontal”.

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Every CIO is looking for ways to make his or her operation faster, cheaper and better aligned with the needs of the business.

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What would a company do if it realized that by changing the way information technology and business process outsourcing delivers services, it could contribute returns greater than the stock price growth?

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The Importance of Governance in Outsoursing

Governance defines the roles and responsibilities of both parties related to the management and delivery of outsourced services.

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According to Danny Ertel’s article on Outsource Magazine, outsourcing relationships are crucial to getting business done.

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It is no doubt that outsourcing has become the driving force behind the success of many companies in today’s economy. The main reason for this is the fact that outsourcing can save you a significant amount of time and money.

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As captive centers become an increasingly important part of offshore work, sourcing and vendor management professionals must work with the rest of IT to showcase the benefits of a hybrid approach.

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Outsourcing is a common business strategy. Organizations outsource functions, activities, decisions and responsibility to external suppliers.

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