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According to a poll taken worldwide, the IT companies come in the first position defeating every other type of business in outsourcing.

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In a year wracked by slowing down of global economies, Europe may well emerge the top outsourcing continent, beating North America for the first time.

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The best ones can do everything an internal IT staff does for the big firms — set up your network, maintain your IT operations, provide help desk services, get new workers up to speed, and even help you move when that need comes up.

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As companies no longer need IT department to solve IT-related issues, they save costs by hiring offshore experts that has no direct relationship with them.

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Why Outsource It?

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Every business needs an IT management plan to ensure the smooth running of its IT systems. For any business, an IT failure at a critical moment can have far-reaching consequences.

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A few months ago, Gartner’s Robert Brown, Research VP, authored a report entitled “Business Process Outsourcing Vendor Consolidations: Is Your Contract at Risk?” in which he says that he expects a full quarter of today’s top 20 BPO providers will not exist (in their current entity) by 2012.

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Is your IT department worth its place on your payroll ?With the advances in technology simplifications, cloud computing and outsourcing contracts, is it worth keeping them on?

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When it comes to the outsourcing process, going it alone is one way to cut costs. But working with an experienced outsourcing advisor may save you money during the procurement process and down the road.

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Could some of the big names in outsourcing be among the victims of the much-hyped shift to cloud computing?

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In these hard times outsourcing companies vie for cost-cutting supremacy, not world domination. While the very reasons offshore outsourcing thrives are low cost and high-level competence, there are other things that need looking into such as expenses on professional service and labor rates.

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