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Your software development effort has been outsourced to a CMM Level 5 vendor. You think you have strict project management controls and disciplined measurement and reporting of metrics.

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One of the fundamental basics for all outsourcing relationships is the quality and flexibility of the commercial agreement between the customer and the supplier.

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In our work with the client-side users of outsourcing, the most common complaint we hear is that the supplier hasn’t brought any “innovation” to the party.

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When an outsourcing deal collapses the fallout on both sides can be very painful – and if it ends up going to court it could potentially take years to resolve and cost millions.

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The consulting talent that once billed $300 an hour while working for outsourcing and advisory firms have struck out on their own.

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The aim of this paper is to analyze political, economical and social changes that occurred in Ukraine since “Orange Revolution”, discuss dynamic of Ukrainian IT sector and point to effects of the Global Financial and domestic political crises on the Ukrainian economy in general and IT industry in particular.

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Replacing public sector workers in the UK with cheaper labour overseas has until now proved too hot for any UK government to handle.

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The new Staples Technology Solutions offers everything from computer equipment management to a full IT department.

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In the realm of IT outsourcing, disengaging from a multi-year, multi-million dollar agreement can be so difficult and costly for customers that it makes a Trump divorce seem like a tea party.

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There is no doubt that BPO has developed as a new buzz today. It is relatively a new concept following economical and strong business fundamentals.

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