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A reluctance to undertake capital expenditure and a ‘necessary evil’ attitude to technology remain endemic among UK partnerships.

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In human years the offshoring industry as we know it is getting close to the prime of its life. It has grown from bouncing baby when doting customer service managers and CIOs looked on, excited as their costs fell thanks to those happy offshore agents and developers.

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The five-year BP outsourcing deal for $1.5 billion (Rs 7,500 crore) is the best piece of news that the outsourcing industry has had since the global recession began.

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It’s no secret that small businesses have a number of disadvantages when compared to their billion-dollar brethren. And these days you can add offshoring information-technology work to the list of issues that your business must overcome every day.

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Are outsourcing service providers resting on their laurels when it comes to innovation and transformation?

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Based on our experience, we have comprised a list of specific business objectives to pass some the project to an external service provider; and a number of reasons for an international collaboration.

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When most people think of outsourcing, they automatically think of a reduction in personnel costs as the key benefit. While a reduction in costs is often the driving force and is typically achieved, it frequently is not the most important benefit achieved through outsourcing.

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Downsizing is a well-known tool to cut payroll costs. Outsourcing provides a finer blade for targeted expense cuts.

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Well if you believe all the hype out there it does. Although most of the hype comes from Internet marketers who want to sell you a product, often for a monthly recurring payment that tells you how to outsource.

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In the world of IT outsourcing, costs are not just related to the price charged for the services rendered. What are often more important, and often overlooked, are the costs clients will bear associated with managing relationships with IT services providers.

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