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IT spending is expected to slow next year but remain positive, according to a new study.

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As organizations pursue cost savings and operational efficiencies with their existing business processes, they often turn to service providers either in their home countries or abroad to reap additional cost savings associated with factors such as lower wages, lower operating costs and workers with experience that may not be available in-house.

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Demand for IT outsourcing is expected it rise sharply as a result of the credit crunch, it has been claimed.

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Since beginning of October the world started changing, everywhere – newspapers, radio, TV, Internet – you hear and see these words “Global Financial Crisis”. Some experts call it a financial collapse. The main problem for all companies is how to reduce expenses with minimum losses for their business. The aim of our article is to [...]

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Thousands of workers in advanced economies have seen their jobs offshored to low-wage economies. Thanks to falling telecommunications costs, business process outsourcing has become a de facto approach to further increase corporate profits. Nowadays, thousands of white-collar jobs are being shipped to developing economies as companies search ways to lower operating costs.

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Survey of IT leaders predicts that IT budgets, hiring, salaries, and outsourcing will rise next year.

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The advent of the global financial crisis has resulted in the emergence of outsourcing as a strategic solution for multinational companies.

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Outsourcing is reaching new levels of creativity as entrepreneurs figure out more tasks that can be sourced elsewhere.

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In previous recessions, outsourcing activity has actually increased. Is history likely to repeat itself?

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TEAM International reviews the findings of the most recent surveys on the impact of the world economic crisis on IT offshore outsourcing and shares expert opinions on how companies impacted by the meltdown can benefit from using offshore transactions.

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