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Cutting back on costs, such as those connected with IT outsourcing, could be an unwise way of dealing with the downturn, an expert asserts.

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IT outsourcing can be a solution for businesses who want more flexibility than using contractors allows, research shows.

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Remember when all programming work was completed in-house? After all, it wasn’t so long ago – just a decade, perhaps – that outsourcing was seen as the refuge of the desperate IT manager.

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IT outsourcing is becoming more popular among businesses as it allows firms to retain their existing hardware, an expert asserts.

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IT projects around risk management, post-acquisition integration and cost-cutting are among those most likely to be approved this year, according to analyst house IDC.

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Recently, I decided to take a look at the impact of recession on offshore outsourcing: that the players will face pricing pressures, reduced profitability and less growth compared with the golden times, and that there will be an imperative to deliver tangible business value to customers.

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Companies need to look closely at their IT investments to make sure they are getting the most out of their money, according to an expert.

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After a year that saw terrorist attacks in Mumbai, kidnapping for profit in Mexico, and the unexpected meltdown of Satyam, one of India’s biggest IT services firms, corporate America’s cries.

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IT leaders need to have the right approach to outsourcing if they are to gain good returns from it, according to an expert.

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The expanding reach of the Internet and growth of online collaboration tools have all changed small business outsourcing dramatically in the past 3-4 years.

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