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Ask the IT leaders about the prospect of offshoring and you will get variable answers.

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Outsourcing Center’s in-depth study of 42 relationships among those nominated for the Outsourcing Excellence Awards in 2008 reveals some important findings regarding the impact of service provider selection criteria on the ease or challenges during the transition/migration phase of outsourcing relationships.

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We are in the midst of global economic downturn.Since businesses are cutting costs and no. of employees what impact do you think it’s going to have on outsourcing industry (specifically marketing and procurement outsourcing)?

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The global sub prime crisis will force financial institution to offshore more work to cut cost.

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Firms should look beyond cutting costs to get the best out of IT outsourcing, according to an expert.

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Given the current global financial crisis, we are already seeing companies cut down on IT spending. Most industry observers believe we will see another round of IT cost-cutting in the first quarter of 2009.

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The worldwide market downturn will impact the growth and margins of IT companies for the first two-three quarters of 2009 before picking up and ending the year on a stronger note as clients seek to cut costs and generate more revenues.

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Hedge Funds’ IT spending will drop by 20.5 percent touching a low of USD 1.35 billion by the end of 2009, says a recent Celent report.

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In a downward economy IT outsourcing and human resources outsourcing projects can help organisations achieve quick wins and improved functions and facilities.

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IT leaders should involve business stakeholders in outsourcing decisions as much as possible, an expert has claimed.

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