EPAM Systems, Inc., has reconfirmed its leadership position within the region by being ranked highest among CEE’s ITO firms in the fourth annual listing of “Global Outsourcing 100,”
Continue readingOn May 20, IBA sponsored DOCFLOW 2009 Conference & Expo that was held in Moscow, Russia.
Continue readingELEKS Software Ltd., a Ukrainian IT services and product company, announced that, in collaboration with its strategic alliance partner teleologica ltd, it has supplied a Customs system (CAESAR II) to Jersey, a self governing British Crown Dependency.
Continue readingThe destruction of the Soviet Union about 15 years ago, made a huge country with a great level of IT science divided into small bricks. Nowadays, despite Russia’s expansion into the world software development market, Ukraine keeps playing an important role here too.
Continue readingDaugavpils University (http://www.du.lv/en) held its 4th annual “Pascal’s Wheel” competition on April 8th for high school graduates from the southeast region of Latvia.
Continue readingIBA participated in the Software Engineering Forum 2009 (SEF–2009) that took place from May 19 to May 21 in Minsk, Belarus.
Continue readingA delegation of the Moldovan Ministry of Information Development is participating in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS 2009) that is taking place at the central premises of the International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland.
Continue readingEnterprise Architecture Management (EAM) and ITIL services are our core business.
Continue readingOn 26-28 May ASTEC will participate in the SWUG 2009 conference in Magdeburg, Germany.
Continue readingComputing has a major role in lifting businesses out of the economic downturn and helping them understand their customer’s needs, highlighting the value of IT outsourcing in London, an expert asserts.
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