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Sluggish demand for new scope projects, continued emphasis on cost reduction, large contract restructurings, and a wobbly macroeconomic situation in Europe are impeding full recovery of the outsourcing market.

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IT outsourcing providers want to innovate, but they can’t if their IT department customers can’t articulate what innovation from outsourcing looks like.

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Offshore outsourcing is perhaps one of the most subjective and emotive business decisions that any large company faces today.

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Business process outsourcing or BPO is a service-based sector that encompasses a wide range of activities including marketing, sales, logistics, legal, financial research accounting and so on.

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If truth be told, outsourcing became a hit in the global mainstream business enterprise due to the surge of the IT and software industry in the past few years primarily in the Third World countries.

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The big worry in outsourcing and offshoring has always been data theft. There are armed guards situated outside the doors of many outsourcing companies and heavy security even on the inside.

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The Internet is flooded with articles about outsourcing software development and success stories about it. However, IT outsourcing involves certain risks, too.

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Over the past ten years many companies sold off their ‘captive’ onshore and offshore service centres to the outsourcing marketplace.

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First of all, let’s be clear: India will remain part of your outsourcing strategy and that is despite increasing complaints about rising costs and diminishing work quality, said Stephanie Moore, former Forrester Outsourcing analyst and chief strategist for UST Global, a global IT outsourcer. The reason?

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Aspects of cloud computing have been available to—and rejected by—IT outsourcing customers for years, from hosted applications to on-demand hardware support.

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