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Financial crisis has almost affected all the developed and developing nations. Many countries are trying hard to come out from the bad crisis.

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TEAM International reviews and shares recent research findings and expert predictions for key attributes of the 2009 IT offshore outsourcing environment. The year 2008 is slowly reaching its end leaving many IT companies wonder what the global offshore outsourcing market is going to be like next year.

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Eastern Europe ICT and Outsourcing Market (2007-2011) by RNCOS provides extensive research and rational analysis on the IT&C industry in Eastern Europe and analyzes the opportunities and factors critical to the success of IT industry in the region.

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With America’s economy in crisis, it would seem that India has a lot to worry about. The country’s annual revenues from outsourcing exceed $40 billion, and a downturn in the U.S. economy could damage India’s outsourcing industry.

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The most conclusive insight from the study shows that a combination of macro- and micro-economic activities stimulate innovation.

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So, you have decided to outsource. The journey to that decision was no doubt a difficult one, but now comes the hardest part: the road to selecting an outsourcing partner.

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With the slowdown gulping down a major portion of their revenues from U.S. the top Indian firms are turning to Europe to grab a share of the regions IT outsourcing budget.

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The problem of finding the right offshore company to outsource IT or software development work to it is unfortunately very common.

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The financial crisis and global recession will accelerate adoption of global outsourcing and offshoring as strategic business tools as organisations respond to economic adversity with a forceful push toward cost-reduction according to leading sourcing advisory firm EquaTerra.

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As organizations pursue cost savings and operational efficiencies with their existing business processes, they often turn to service providers either in their home countries or abroad to reap additional cost savings associated with factors such as lower wages, lower operating costs and workers with experience that may not be available in-house.

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