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IT Sourcing Europe, a UK-based nearshore IT Outsourcing (ITO) market research and advisory firm, announced today the completion of its All-European ITO research 2010.

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IT Sourcing Europe, a UK-based nearshore IT Outsourcing (ITO) market research and advisory firm, announced today the completion of its All-European ITO research 2010.

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According to the study findings, the majority of the UK, Swedish and Danish companies save 40%-59% of operating costs from the outsourced SD, while the majority of German, Swiss, Austrian, Dutch and Norwegian outsourcers save 10%-24%.

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A newly released study by Duke University’s Offshoring Research Network and PricewaterhouseCoopers has revealed that the long established outsourcing locations India and North America are steadily surrendering the lead to growing competitors from Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

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With 10 per cent of its IT and business processes outsourced, the UK is the most mature country in Europe in terms of outsourcing.

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EquaTerra has longed preached the value of good outsourcing governance and service provider management to the success of business process and information technology outsourcing (ITO) efforts.

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Everest Group, a global consulting and research firm, has recently issued its Q3 Report on the global outsourcing market.

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A new study by Duke University’s Offshoring Research Network and PricewaterhouseCoopers reveals that outsourcing companies in North America and India – regions which for a long time have led the outsourcing market – are being challenged by competition from Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Asia, in service areas such as contact centers, business process outsourcing, and information technology outsourcing.

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“Nearshoring to Eastern Europe as solution to EU labor shortage”, is a study prepared by “Nearshoring Blog” to discuss the current issues of the EU largest economies associated with the lack of qualified hi-tech specialists as well as labor restrictions and multicultural issues that prevent countries from immigration of foreign work.

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Interest in sourcing from rural areas is more talk than action at this point, says Anand Ramesh, research director at Everest Research Institute.

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