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Outsourcing management gets even more important. Yet that’s something many IT shops aren’t doing well.

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Aspects of cloud computing have been available to—and rejected by—IT outsourcing customers for years, from hosted applications to on-demand hardware support.

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Apa Vital, the operator of water and sewage supply network in the county of Iasi, with a total length of approx.

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Are you afraid that outsourced software development means having little or no control over the development process? After all, if you work together with the programmers in the same room, then there is no need to closely measure their progress.

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GlobalLogic today announced that it has added a new investor to its portfolio of backers: a private equity fund managed by Goldman Sachs Asset Management.

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Cost and price. It’s crucial that buyers understand both when it comes to outsourcing. What is the cost of providing business services internally?

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Worldwide IT spending is forecast to reach $3,4-trillion in 2010, a 5,3% increase from IT spending of $3,2-trillion in 2009, according to Gartner.

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TotalSoft, the business software regional developer, part of Global Finance Group, announces opening a representative office in Bulgaria, starting with April 2010.

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For all the vagaries of IT services, traditional IT outsourcing has always been quite tangible–servers, data centers, networks, specifications, man-hours, lines of code.

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Worldwide IT spending is forecast to reach USD 3.4 trillion in this year, a 5.3 percent increase from IT spending of USD 3.2 trillion in 2009, according to a study by Gartner.

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