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The last 18 months have seen large, new outsourcing deals grind to a halt and organisations question the reasons and results behind existing agreements.

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It’s remarkable to think that the space in which we operate – now a skein of connected activities across numerous industries and sectors employing millions of people and involving many billions of dollars – has only existed in anything like its current form for a mere handful of years.

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One of the fundamental basics for all outsourcing relationships is the quality and flexibility of the commercial agreement between the customer and the supplier.

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Whilst there are many important aspects of IT outsourcing, the one that wears the crown is “Performance”.

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The consulting talent that once billed $300 an hour while working for outsourcing and advisory firms have struck out on their own.

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The business process outsourcing (BPO) sector – one of government’s targeted growth areas – faces another obstacle as power prices are expected to double by 2012, which could make it a casualty of anticipated cost-cutting measures.

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Cost-cutting measures that have arisen as a result of the global financial crisis, such as outsourcing, have served to increase the risk of fraud in the financial services sector, according to a national forensic partner with accounting firm KPMG.

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The demand for BPO services and SSC functions in Central and Eastern Europe is expected to remain high over the next few years, providing a strong driver of occupational activity in some of the region’s capital and secondary cities.

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The new Staples Technology Solutions offers everything from computer equipment management to a full IT department.

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In the realm of IT outsourcing, disengaging from a multi-year, multi-million dollar agreement can be so difficult and costly for customers that it makes a Trump divorce seem like a tea party.

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