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Whether you overhear a conversation about outsourcing or you join in such a conversation, the underlying assumption is that the outsourced workforce originates from India. This is for good reason.

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Outsourcing the work to another country sounds huge but with the advancement in technology, the world has literally shrunk. Let us take an example of India which is one of most popular destinations offering external service.

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In the era of globalization whole world consider as single market place and competition is now growing tremendously for business.

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Local government bodies will spend Ј8.5bn on new outsourcing deals over the next two years, according to research.

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Companies seeking to offshore application development to reduce headcount and save money could risk major reductions in productivity, as poor knowledge of the business reduces efficiency, according to Compass Management Consulting (CMC).

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This relationship was a semi-finalist in the Best BPO category for the 2009 Outsourcing Excellence Awards.

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Outsourcing activity continues to be constrained by difficult macroeconomic conditions, despite its potential to soften the impact of the recession through cost savings and efficiency gains, according to TPI, a sourcing data and advisory firm.

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Offshoring is a controversial topic at the best of times – and one that’s becoming increasingly contentious as the recession continues to see thousands of jobs lost across the country.

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Best-selling author Daniel Pink told participants at the May Gartner Outsourcing Summit that companies will continue to offshore work that is routine. Jessie Paul, Wipro’s Chief Marketing Officer, agrees with the best-selling author of A Whole New Mind and Johnny Bunko.

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Companies in the tourism industry could be turning to IT outsourcing as a way of ensuring that their websites are working effectively as these are becoming more important when booking a break abroad, an expert suggests.

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