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Small companies should consider using IT outsourcing as it will allow them to concentrate on their business activities, it has been claimed.

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There are many matters to consider when setting up an offshore outsourcing deal-scope, location, roles and responsibilities, service levels, governance plans and price, just to name a few.

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There are many matters to consider when setting up an offshore outsourcing deal—scope, location, roles and responsibilities, service levels, governance plans and price, just to name a few.

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The global sub prime crisis will force financial institution to offshore more work to cut cost.

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Even highly successful outsourcing relationships encounter hurdles. Despite their best efforts in planning, due diligence, contract negotiation, and other pre-signing activities, buyers of outsourced services can experience situations that fall short of their hopes and fail to fulfill their expectations.

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The revolution in telecommunication and computing allows corporations to benefit from tapping low cost, high quality labor from around the world. As corporations embark on outsourcing initiatives to leverage these benefits, a question corporations often grapple with is: How much to outsource and offshore?

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Enterprises are now renewing their intentions to move into outsourcing environments in this post-recessionary environment.

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Some business owners tend to see offshore outsourcing in a negative light. The greatest sin in offshoring is that setting up partnership overseas limits job possibilities for people with low-skilled professions in developed countries.

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Asseco Slovakia, Asseco Czech Republic, LCS International and DATALOCK will enter a new era of their business on the Central European IT market.

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A new report from Ovum, a global analyst and consulting company, says that software development expertise is becoming more important for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services providers as the cost reduction benefits from staff offshoring beginning to fade.

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