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Firms likely to continue turning to external IT providers during recession, says survey. Confidence in outsourcing has not been dented by the global financial turbulence, according to research.

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Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) may want to consider outsourcing their server requirements as they may lack the ability to do this cost-effectively in-house, according to an expert.

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IT outsourcing can save companies up to 30 per cent, freeing up capital and human resources, according to experts.

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When there is an outsourcing failure in the application software area, “poor partner performance” is a reason that frequently appears in the post-mortem report.

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What service provider qualities or characteristics ultimately result in buyer satisfaction over the length of a relationship? We can answer this question from the data we collect and analyze through Outsourcing Center’s annual Outsourcing Excellence Awards program.

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The outsourcing of software development to both offshore and onshore development centers has become widely accepted as a part of the business model of many companies.

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Despite the natural advantages of outsourcing – cost-cutting, headcount reduction and ability to refocus on core competencies – offering a major positive in troubled times, firms are naturally suspicious of each other, knowing that financial stability cannot be taken for granted.

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Potential savings could be outweighed by inefficiencies, says consultant. Companies seeking to offshore application development to reduce headcount and save money could risk major reductions in productivity, as poor knowledge of the business reduces efficiency, according to Compass Management Consulting (CMC).

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Every successful business begins with one common element: an idea. Whilst having the courage and conviction to act on the idea will have been central to the whole process of starting a new company, careful planning and meticulous attention to detail will essentially determine how successful the organisation is in the long-term.

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For years now, companies have rushed to find cheap labor and increased profits in foreign lands.

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