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IT Outsourcing in Central and Eastern Europe 2009 is a comprehensive resource that describes and analyses the IT outsourcing market in the CEE countries.

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Outsourcing is no longer just about cheap labor. The number of foreign-educated students returning to their native countries is exploding, creating an offshore talent pool of highly trained workers that never existed before.

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The way out is in

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As the U.S. economy grows bleaker, the reliance on overseas providers of goods and services could be on the downswing as well.

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Last year was indeed a turbulent year for Indian service providers.

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Despite the recession and the associated belt-tightening around enterprise IT budgets, cutting costs isn’t front and center for many companies when it comes to outsourcing, according to one of India’s largest services firms.

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The business and financial case for investing in IT outsourcing is strengthening due to the recession, according to experts.

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The business case for outsourcing is building as the global economy slides deeper into recession, but the ability to execute multi-year outsourcing deals is hampered by tight capital and market uncertainties, according to international business advisory firm EquaTerra.

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During the last economic downturn after the dot-com implosion, an increasing number of organizations shifted IT work to outsourcing providers, many of them overseas.

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Service providers present a special challenge to organizations involved with complex IT projects.

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During this global economic crisis more and more companies are considering to cut costs and increase technology expertise at the same time. From that perspective outsourcing is seen as liveable way to cut the costs.

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