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Valeriy Kutsyy, Miratech CEO, was interviewed on television, TRK Kyiv / Economic Journal, this week.

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In 2010, IBA Group is selected as one of the world’s best outsourcing service providers The Global Outsourcing 100® in the Leaders Category.

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The 2010 Outsourcing World Summit, presented by IAOP in collaboration with FORTUNE® Custom Projects, had very timely theme “Using Outsourcing to Emerge as a Leader in the New Global Economy”.

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The goal for the participants is to submit an online game idea, concept description and sketches.

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The consulting talent that once billed $300 an hour while working for outsourcing and advisory firms have struck out on their own.

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3-4 March, 2010 the management of SaM Solutions will be attending CeBIT, the world’s foremost ICT tradeshow that is due to take place in Hannover, Germany, March 2-6 2010.

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The aim of this paper is to analyze political, economical and social changes that occurred in Ukraine since “Orange Revolution”, discuss dynamic of Ukrainian IT sector and point to effects of the Global Financial and domestic political crises on the Ukrainian economy in general and IT industry in particular.

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The business process outsourcing (BPO) sector – one of government’s targeted growth areas – faces another obstacle as power prices are expected to double by 2012, which could make it a casualty of anticipated cost-cutting measures.

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ICS Romania based in Bucharest is a regional geospatial solution provider for Romania’s public administration and large companies.

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After the successful attendance at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ITware, the Hungarian expert for IT and telecommunication solutions presents MOTIware the latest mobile TV application for the international market at CeBIT in Hannover.

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