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The global sub prime crisis will force financial institution to offshore more work to cut cost.

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Firms should look beyond cutting costs to get the best out of IT outsourcing, according to an expert.

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Given the current global financial crisis, we are already seeing companies cut down on IT spending. Most industry observers believe we will see another round of IT cost-cutting in the first quarter of 2009.

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Many organizations that choosing to move IT projects to lower-cost destinations are daunted by the task of determining which destination would best feet to host their operations.

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The worldwide market downturn will impact the growth and margins of IT companies for the first two-three quarters of 2009 before picking up and ending the year on a stronger note as clients seek to cut costs and generate more revenues.

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Hedge Funds’ IT spending will drop by 20.5 percent touching a low of USD 1.35 billion by the end of 2009, says a recent Celent report.

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New edition of Programming League started on the 5th January 2009. It is an opportunity to verify algorithmical skills of the best programmers at Silesian University of Technology.

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In a downward economy IT outsourcing and human resources outsourcing projects can help organisations achieve quick wins and improved functions and facilities.

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IT leaders should involve business stakeholders in outsourcing decisions as much as possible, an expert has claimed.

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Janco Associates has just released its January 2009 IT Salary Survey and the prospects look grim for IT professionals.

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