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Arbor informatika signed a contract for development of a ticket sales application system with Autotrolej, a company owned by the city of Rijeka.

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ProSyst Software GmbH, an OSGi pioneer, announced today that a consortium consisting of RWE Energy, Siemens Energy, ef.Ruhr, Miele, SWK Energie (Krefeld Group of Municipal Utilities) and ProSyst began practical implementation of their joint project “E-DeMa”.

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Eastern Europe Telecoms is a unique opportunity for businesses to market ICT products and solutions and to showcase technology as a tool for development and economic growth.

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On 12—14 November 2008 in the IEC (Kyiv, 15, Brovarsky Ave.) the XVI International exhibition Information Communication Technology Ukraine 2008 will take place.

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In response to Ms. Reding addresses of 17 November 2007, nine NTAs (National Trade Associations) representing nine of the most dynamic national packaged software industries have worked together to produce a position paper summarising their observations and propose 9 realistic and achievable measures for a European software strategy.

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Meet other local people interested in Agile methods of software development.

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The representative offices of Talentor in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are organizing the first pan-Baltic Human Resources Conference that will be held on November 12 at the “Baltic Beach Hotel”, Jurmala, Latvia.

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Demand for IT outsourcing is expected it rise sharply as a result of the credit crunch, it has been claimed.

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Since beginning of October the world started changing, everywhere – newspapers, radio, TV, Internet – you hear and see these words “Global Financial Crisis”. Some experts call it a financial collapse. The main problem for all companies is how to reduce expenses with minimum losses for their business. The aim of our article is to [...]

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Thousands of workers in advanced economies have seen their jobs offshored to low-wage economies. Thanks to falling telecommunications costs, business process outsourcing has become a de facto approach to further increase corporate profits. Nowadays, thousands of white-collar jobs are being shipped to developing economies as companies search ways to lower operating costs.

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