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On December 14th, 2009 Asseco Central Europe (Asseco CE) acquired 70.04% of shares in the Hungarian IT company Statlogics with the seat in Budapest by means of Asseco Slovakia.

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How the new form of web portal arises – is the title of our company?s presentation on the significant conference held on 11 November in Bratislava.

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In this year’s Annual Award for Outstanding Business Results held by the Trend weekly, Asseco Slovakia ranked third in the “Company of the Year 2009” category.

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On 28 October 2009 shares of Asseco South Eastern Europe (Asseco SEE) have been for the first time quoted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE).

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Company Millennium 000 is again the third fastest growing Slovak company among all technology companies of Europe and the Middle East.

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The Slovak Ministry of Finance commissioned KPMG in Slovakia to survey the state of information security among public administration institutions.

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There is no doubt that the experience of the last two years will cast a shadow on financial services as it endeavours to return to level flight.

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Ness Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: NSTC, TASE: NSTC), a global provider of comprehensive information technology solutions and services, announces that effective as of October 1, 2009 a change in the management of NESS Slovakia takes place.

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The IT company of 2009 prize was awarded to Anasoft APR, s.r.o. during the prestigious IT Gala evening.

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This project is a handy toolkit for developers and companies that use Maven 2 site generation capabilities in order to generate HTML project presentations.

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