IBA received a reference from KAMAKO, a Belarusian sauce producer, on implementation and support of the automated management system based on 1C:Enterprise 8. Since 2006, IBA has implemented the automated management system using the software IBA: Commercial Enterprise Management and MS SQL as a database server with terminal access mode. To date, the automated management [...]
Continue readingIBA won the tender of the Belarusian Ministry of Communications and Informatization for implementation of the second release of electronic document management system for Belarusian governing bodies (ISEDM). The Tender Coordination Council included representatives of the Ministry of Communications, the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Operation and Analysis Center [...]
Continue readingFrom January 28 to January 29, IBA Group participated in the 9th Minsk Startup Weekend Belarus as the event’s general partner. Minsk Startup Weekend is a series of events aimed at facilitating the implementation of innovative and high-tech business projects (startups), and attracting investments to them. The events take place during weekends four times a [...]
Continue readingIT Europa, a leading European IT publisher and market intelligence organization, announced the finalists of the European Software Excellence Awards 2012, the pan-European awards event for ISV (Independent Software Vendors) and Software Developer channels. This year, the contest attracted entries from 18 countries. A total of 36 companies from 14 European countries have made the [...]
Continue readingIn December 2011, IBA and Splunk Inc signed a partnership agreement. Splunk Inc appointed IBA as its Premier Reseller Partner. Splunk is the developer of the Splunk software product designed for intelligent processing of machine data. By monitoring and analyzing everything from customer clickstreams and transactions to network activity and call records, Splunk turns client’s [...]
Continue readingOn December 15, IBA put into production the Information Analysis System to Manage Cargo Railway Transportation (IAS MCRT) at Belarusian Railway. In cooperation with Belarusian Railway, IBA developed a concept and prototype of the Information Analysis System to Support Management Decisions on Cargo Transportation at Belarusian Railway (BR). The joint project to implement the system [...]
Continue readingIn September 2011, IBA Group opened new IT laboratory at the Faculty of the Information Technology and Control of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) located in Minsk, Belarus. On November 29, IBA participated in the opening ceremony of the new laboratory. The new IT laboratory created by IBA Group is equipped [...]
Continue readingIBA participated as a general partner in the eighth international forum on banking IT entitled BankIT’2011. Held from November 16 to November 17 in Minsk, Belarus, the event was organized by the National Bank of Belarus, the scientific and technological association Infopark, and the Association of Belarusian Banks. The program of the forum included an [...]
Continue readingOn November 17, the international conference E-Workflow: Imperative Demand of Our Time was held in Astana, Kazakhstan. The event gathered representatives of national and local governing bodies of Kazakhstan, and experts in e-workflow from Kazakhstan and other countries. The organizers were the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan and National Information [...]
Continue readingOn November 17, IBA received an award of the Institute of Certified Financial Managers (ICFM) in the category The Best Employer of the Year. The awarding ceremony was organized within an annual ICFM conference that was held from November 17 to November 18, 2011 in London. The conference aimed to honor the best financial managers [...]
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