Home » 2016 (Page 37)
Lenovo moves enterprise manufacturing to Hungary

Chinese PC giant says that regional manufacturing of enterprise products will improve delivery times and cut shipping costs for channel. Lenovo today announced that it will begin manufacturing enterprise products in Hungary in order to provide EMEA customers and partners with faster delivery times and more flexibility. Manufacturing will be undertaken by Flex, Lenovo’s partner, [...]

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IT hiring keeps rolling, but at a slower pace

If the trends for the first four months of 2016 hold true, growth for the U.S. IT job market will be way down from the past two years. The good news: IT hiring is still strong. The bad news: It’s shaping up to be a second straight year of decline. In its monthly analysis of [...]

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BS/2 visited Southeast Asia ATMs 2016

At the end of April Thailand’s capital Bangkok hosted the Southeast Asia ATMs 2016 conference. The event gathered together the world’s largest banking hardware and software manufacturers, such as Wincor Nixdorf, Diebold, ESQ, TMD Security, KAL ATM Software, Glory Global Solutions and many others. This largest in Southeast Asia event dedicated to the ATM market [...]

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Apple is no longer the only company that can sell ‘IPHONES’ in China

The American electronics giant loses its exclusive rights to the “IPHONE” trademark in the People’s Republic, with Chinese courts siding against it in a recent legal proceeding. China is an increasingly significant market for Apple, but, unfortunately for the company, it’s no longer the only one in the country that can sell iPhones. Apple recently [...]

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UX battle: Enterprise software vs. consumer software

When enterprise software is directly compared to consumer software, the UX of consumer applications wins. Find out in this new report what the enterprise is looking for in software, and why it matters. Enterprise software use is quickly growing in use among companies, but consumer software still provides a better user experience, according to a [...]

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Software Providers Achieve Success by Partnering With Clients on Cost Optimization

Uncertainty with the 2016 global economy and financial markets will lead enterprises across industries to strategize for cash flow and operating profit improvements. Technology providers must partner with their customers to execute on delivering successfully to these cost optimization strategies against the backdrop of digitalization. Discussion Topics: Why enterprises may slow the pace of adoption [...]

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Agile Day Riga 2016

Let’s gather, share our experience and learn together! We will be glad if you join us on May 25, 2016. Let’s use this day for peer-to-peer learning, collaboration and creativity. We invite you to join and share your insights and feelings, discuss the questions you care about. What is Agile Day Riga? Goal of this [...]

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I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2016

About The conference we never wanted to end… how would it look like? The one we’d anxiously be waiting to start every time?… This is the question we set out to answer in 2012 at Mozaic Works. We are a team of experienced agile-lean developers, trainers and coaches. We wanted to design an event we [...]

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ICL Services opens up new horizons in Serbia

Announcement: ICL Services has opened a location in Belgrade, “a promising center of IT outsourcing.” ICL Services — a pioneer in the field of professional IT outsourcing in Russia and the preferred service provider for Fujitsu — has opened a location in Europe. The Belgrade office will allow the company to ensure the continuity and [...]

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Where Can Gaming Technologies Be Applied?

It is well known that PCs, tables and mobile devices are used not only for working purposes but also for entertainment. Audio and video files are used mostly for fun, but games are considered to be the best way to entertain children and adults. Probably everyone has played computer or mobile game just for once. [...]

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