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Outsourcing Volumes Decline as Fiscal Uncertainty Grips Business

According to KPMG’s latest global pulse survey, demand for outsourced services is expected to fall in the last half of 2012, matching the lower-than-expected levels of growth experienced earlier in the year. According to the data, which is based on the views of senior executives in some of the world’s largest global business and IT [...]

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Which Is The Best Outsourcing Strategy For You?

There are several ways to outsource. The employer should choose the best method depending on the project size, budget and the flexibility he/she requires. Choosing the optimal method will maximize the cost-benefit ratio. Outsource Companies The advantage of outsource companies is in their talent pool. Even if your project is small and only required a [...]

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The Outsourcing Trend

Being a recruiter you can often feel like a glorified CV sifter, searcher or administrator. With the current market place being so candidate rich it is not uncommon to receive 1000′s of applications for any one role, with information being drawn into databases at a rate no recruiter can keep up with. This often results [...]

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Why Outsourcing Works for the Public Sector

Outsourcing has had some bad press recently but criticism of it is often ill informed and flawed, argues Matt Sims of outsourcing company Teleperformance In the last few months, the concept of outsourcing services from the public sector to private companies has been the focus of a great deal of debate and not a little [...]

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Despite Negative Attention, Outsourcing Works

“Don’t let the actions of a few determine the way you feel about an entire group. Remember, not all German’s were Nazis,” said Erin Gruwell, an American high school teacher so unorthodox and inspirational that ABC News commissioned a documentary about her, which Hollywood picked up on and made into a hit movie*. Smart lady, [...]

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More about the Horses for Sources Debate on the “Outsourcing” Definition

We discussed last week the soul-searching going on at Horses for Sources, the outsourcing advisory firm, around the very use and definition of the term “outsourcing”. As we pointed out, that term often covers services that have never been “insourced”, which does bring into question the basic terminology. So if “outsourcing” is simply the buying [...]

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Enthusiasm for Outsourcing Takes a Hit

Business willingness to outsource core support services has taken a hit, according to KPMG’s pulse survey, which explores business prospects among some of the largest global business and IT service providers. It found that just over half (51 per cent) of senior executives in some of the world’s largest global business and IT service providers [...]

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Worldwide IT Outsourcing Fattens Up 2012 Spending Pie

When you slice a pie, you might save the biggest piece for yourself, or take just a sliver if you’re trying not to overindulge. In the predictions game, finding a glimmer of good news can also depend on how you slice up the overall picture. The analysts at Gartner have taken another look at the [...]

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Various Aspects To Run a Successful Software Development Company

A software development company should aim for success in the industry and also target for client satisfaction as well. A software methodology should be adapted to better the prospects to survive in the industry. You may follow several successful business models that use the latest technology and upgrade the processes so that you achieve the [...]

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Outsourcing Weathers IT Skills Gap with the Cloud

Cloud computing and as-a-service are emerging as a viable choice over staff offshoring as a way to address the gap in IT skills with enterprise application development and data programs, according to a new market assessment. In its report, “The State of IT Outsourcing: The Elastic Workforce,” staffing and managed services consultancy Bluewolf raked through [...]

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