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Cloud Service Providers Challenge Traditional IT Outsourcing

Global IT services spending should reach more than $251 billion dollars this year, up 2.1 percent from 2011, according to Gartner’s latest IT outsourcing forecast. Adjusting for currency changes, that’s actually around a 4.1 percent increase in spending–about the same level of growth as the year prior, according to Gartner research director Bryan Britz. But [...]

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IT Outsourcing Mega-Deals Slated for the Scrap Heap

There is a quiet revolution in the technology corridors of some of the world’s largest corporations. Traditional five-year, outsourcing mega-deals – whereby companies delegate the running of information technology (IT) functions to a third party – look set for extinction. The reason is a pressing need for more flexible, short-term arrangements from newer, nimbler players [...]

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‘Shadow IT’ on the Rise in Businesses

Business divisions are bypassing the IT department, making their own decisions to buy cloud-based application services or use mobile devices, raising the specter of so-called “shadow IT” that’s outside the knowledge or control of the CIO and the IT staff. “The data is suddenly not in the organization anymore,” says Chris Curran, principal for technology [...]

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IT Outsourcing

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IT Outsourcing

Whаt dοеѕ outsourcing mean? Outsourcing means contracting wіth another company tο dο a particular job. Approximately еνеrу business organization outsources іn ѕοmе manner. In general, thе function οr job whісh іѕ being outsourced іѕ measured аѕ non-core tο thе business. Fοr example, аn insurance company mіght outsource іtѕ landscaping operations tο ѕοmе οthеr firms thаt [...]

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9 Ways to Cut Outsourcing Consulting Costs

It’s unlikely that IT executives would set up any major outsourcing deal without third-party consultation, but IT outsourcing consultants don’t come cheap. Here are nine tips to help you reduce those expenses. t a going rate of $350 per hour and up, IT outsourcing consultants don’t come cheap. If IT leaders aren’t careful, the cost [...]

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Keeping Outsourcing on Target

Chief information officers spearheading IT outsourcing deals with global vendors have been urged to invest up to ten percent of those contract values to keep project outcomes – and their careers – on track. Industry experts speaking to iTnews in advance of the CIO Strategy Summit this month say CIOs should not overlook the value [...]

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Smaller IT Companies Joining Global Outsourcing Deal

Smaller outsourcing providers are increasingly able to have a seat at the global IT outsourcing deal negotiation table, alongside big-ticket players like IBM, Accenture and Capgemini – thanks to customers now breaking up large deals into smaller components. With the global economy slowing and cost pressures rising, IT customers do not want to put all [...]

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Outsourcing to Central Europe: Are Concerns about IP Security Just a Result of Cultural Differences?

When a company starts preparing to offshore elements of their business, concerns often surface about how well-protected its intellectual property, and those of its suppliers, will be. While the red flag is sometimes raised over Central Europe, are worries about the security of IP in the region really justified? Central Europe has a lot going [...]

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Russia’s Hopes and WTO Reality – Interview with Bernard Casey

“The main reason I believe President Putin supported the WTO accession is that it will provide Russian high-tech enterprises non-discriminatory access to foreign markets.” – Mr. Bernard Casey, an innovation and modernization specialist for the post-Soviet space said in a Voice of Russia interview. Can you give our listeners an update about what is going [...]

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Putting Innovation on the Outsourcing Menu

Outsourcing is becoming an increasingly complex task for CIOs – especially if you want it to be successful. Originally, the idea of handing all or parts of your IT infrastructure to a third party was to exploit economies of scale and access to scarce skills to deliver services for lower cost. We’ve been through the [...]

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