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Next-Gen Outsourcing

Anyone casting even a casual eye over the industry news headlines of late won’t be surprised to learn that a new generation of consoles is rumoured to be on the horizon. This transition will bring about the usual challenges and headaches for everyone in triple-A development amidst the usual flurry of assumed technical and hardware [...]

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True Global Outsourcing Should End The Visa Debate

Ever since offshore outsourcing became popular, employment visas — specifically the L1 and H1 visa — have been a source of debate. Indian vendors have needed them to make their offshore model work. US technical employees have feared them because they threaten to take away their livelihood. Well, here we are in 2012 and the [...]

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How To Make Sure That Your Software Development Outsourcing Experience Is Good

Businesses and organizations are always looking for solutions to reduce their overhead cost and increase the productivity of their business. Software development outsourcing has emerged as one of the most effective solutions for such business requirements. However, it has been observed that many business owners are skeptical about outsourcing as there have been some bad [...]

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The Benefits of Contracting an Outsourced IT Support Company

Computer networks are an integral part of business today, functioning as the nerve center of any company, allowing employees to communicate and work in a central location. This increases efficiency, prevents many of the common communication errors, allows advanced planning and long-term goals to be realized, and it’s an invaluable tool in day-to-day operation. Contracting [...]

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Why Do Companies Outsource Web Development Projects To IT Outsourcing Company

Organizations and businesses cannot avoid web solutions anymore. The fast paced development of Information Technology and changing business trends have made it necessary for businesses to apply modern IT solutions and web solutions in their business to generate proper business opportunities and revenue. One of the most popular and effective technique to gain these web [...]

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Pros and Cons of Outsourcing IT

A study in 2009 by IBM revealed that multinational companies that outsourced I.T projects overseas gained 11.8% growth in net earnings. While some people refer to it as exploitation and cheap, others, especially companies, see it an avenue for low operational costs and a window for higher profits. Outsourcing I.T has its good and bad [...]

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Strategic Outsourcing and Vendor Management Guide

Strategic outsourcing has become commonplace in IT shops during the past 20 years, due to the promises of cost savings and IT efficiency. Moreover, enterprises are establishing strategies centered around IT vendor management best practices to ensure that their balance of offshoring, onshoring, insourcing, rightsourcing — you name it, they’ve tried it — properly suits [...]

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Companies Expand IT Outsourcing Functions

Companies are expanding the range of services they outsource, with the development of apps at the top of list of businesses functions, according to research from consultancy KPMG. Of the 30 international law firms surveyed by KPMG, 45% said their clients are showing an increase in demand for outsourcing services, while 7% reported a decline, [...]

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Outsourcing: Public and Private Sectors Still Have Much to Learn

All too often, success or failure of government outsourcing or shared services contracts is down to perception. To see the true value of outsourcing, the government must ensure that improvements are measured. Of the five major shared services arrangements studied recently by the National Audit Office, only two are making any attempt to track their [...]

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How To Make Sure That Your Software Development Outsourcing Experience Is Good

Businesses and organizations are always looking for solutions to reduce their overhead cost and increase the productivity of their business. Software development outsourcing has emerged as one of the most effective solutions for such business requirements. However, it has been observed that many business owners are skeptical about outsourcing as there have been some bad [...]

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