Home » Best Practices (Page 63)

You want a provider with expertise in your industry, a deep understanding of your processes and a proven track record of superior delivery.

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The word “outsourcing” doesn’t have a very good reputation, and I think it’s mostly because there’s a misconception about what outsourcing means.

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13 IT Outsourcing Problems that May Lead You to Bankruptcy

While outsourcing IT functions seems attractive in terms of cost savings, it is not easy to take the right decisions leading to fruitful results.

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The problem is that the argument being made, that outsourcing higher-end, higher value business processes will lead to erosion of the ability to innovate is at once obvious and flawed.

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List of Outsourcing Resources

AllOfOutsourcing.com Cambridge Outsourcing Center for Global Outsourcing Computer World – Outsourcing eCODE eLance European Outsourcing Association FierceCIO Financial Services Outsourcing Global services GlobalSourcingNow.com Go4outsourcing.com GOOGLE Outsourcing News search Horsesforsources.com IAOP IDATE ITO CEE Managing offshore Michael F. Corbett & Associates NAP Partner Network National Outsourcing Association – UK NEOit Offshore development – UK Offshore Outsourcing [...]

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IT Outsourcing: How Offshoring Can Kill Innovation

Harvard Business School professors David Pisano and Willy Shih argue that overzealous offshore outsourcing can cripple a company’s ability to innovate.

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Outsourcing can improve efficiency

IT outsourcing is no longer seen as a company not being able to cope with its workload, says expert. According to Jagdish Dalal outsourcing is now seen as a sensible business decision.

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If you have now decided to join the outsourcing bandwagon or if you are still contemplating whether it’s for you, this gruesome process can actually be quantified and qualified.

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With outsourcing there is no calm, relaxing “summer break.” You are either in your deal, in a new deal, or you have to run things yourself.

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Squabbles between IT departments and their outsourcing providers over price, scope, performance, delays or requirements can turn into big legal problems if left unaddressed.

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