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Long-Term Contracts Abundant in Outsourcing Industry

Positive feedback about outsourcing from businesses across the globe and its benefits are spread out in different mediums, among these would be on the websites in the form of testimonials, newsletters or industry blogs. There may be some companies who had a negative experience with outsourcing in the past, but this should not hinder them [...]

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IT Outsourcing Services Meeting The Cloud

One of the most substantial trends in IT support services is that small and medium-sized companies prefer to shift their data to the cloud and let a third party handle the facility management, in Consolidated Data Centers. Cloud computing blurs the lines among what had been conventional outsourcing and internal operations, and it will test [...]

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Businesses Outsource IT for Reasons Other Than Cost

Cost-cutting is diminishing in importance as a reason to outsource IT, according to research of 630 contracts worth £14bn carried out by KPMG. In its 2012 UK Service Provider Performance and Satisfaction study, the KPMG found 70% of businesses are influenced by cost when making their outsourcing decisions. This compares with 83% in the last [...]

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Steps For Being Successful In Outsourcing: Part 1

In today’s world, outsourcing can be a very good way of income. But for that, you will have to do it in the proper way. Because, the path of outsourcing is filled with a lot of dangers. For doing outsourcing properly, you will need to ensure the following things: 1. Organize your team properly. 2. [...]

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Outsourcing: Effective Management or Business Risk?

In an effort to standardise and centralise processes, as well as minimise costs, many companies turn to outsourcing some or all of their IT processes. However, this introduces new and challenging risks to the business environment that, if not planned for and managed correctly, can end up costing the enterprise more money than it saves. [...]

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IT Outsourcing for SMEs

IT outsourcing is nothing new. Or is it? There are several gotchas. But it is important to understand where we’ve come from to learn from past mistakes and take advantage of new opportunities. Read on… Outsourcing vs. Offshoring First, let’s differentiate between outsourcing and offshoring. Outsourcing is the act of contracting with another company to [...]

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Outsourcing IT Has Increasingly Less to Do with Cost-Savings

Research covering 630 contracts by KPMG has shown that cost is decreasing as a factor for the outsourcing of IT by businesses. The research has shown that 70 percent of businesses are influenced by cost when looking at outsourcing IT services, compared with 83 percent from two years ago. Other reasons for outsourcing services included [...]

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Information Technology Outsourcing

As a current Information Technology professional or a student considering a future career in IT, outsourcing is a business trend you must fully understand. Don’t expect the trend to reverse any time in the forseeable future, but don’t feel powerless to cope with the changes either. Changes Coming with Information Technology Outsourcing Ten years ago, [...]

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Outsourcing and Trust

Trust and confidence—assuming they are alive and well—can help both sides of the outsourcing relationship to analyze and solve difficult problems. But, they have to be earned. They are qualities of a relationship that grow over the long-term, yet there are some simple steps to help facilitate the process. 1. Share problems early and plainly—and [...]

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10 Rules for Successful IT Outsourcing Services

According to The Computer Economics IT Outsourcing Statistics 2011/2012 study the amount of organizations that outsource IT work is increasing every year. The percentage of their total IT spending going to service providers rose from 6.1% in 2009 to 7.1% in 2010 and then leveled out, showing no year-over-year growth in 2011 and expected to [...]

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