ALISON Slovakia completed the first stage of modernising Slovak Post’s backbone communications network.
Continue readingeBusiness is the latest and cost effective innovation in driving your business to the next level. eBusiness not only allows you to buy and sell products online, but also allows you to service customers by using the web.
Continue readingThe development of information technologies will allow Moldova to augment the GDP, to improve the competitiveness of products and to attract new investors.
Continue readingBusinesses could need staff skilled in social sciences to fill next-generation technology roles, it has been suggested, which may increase the need for IT outsourcing.
Continue readingOn 1 July 2009, the ‘Safety and Security Amendment’ came into effect in the European Union, establishing principles for customs control on goods brought in or out of the EU’s customs territory.
Continue readingWhen you think about outsourcing, you probably think of some manufacturing company taking all of their good jobs overseas.
Continue readingThe economic slump has triggered a whole ripple of business process re-engineering decisions. One of these major decisions taken, that seem to be quite a trend with most contemporary business houses, is the increasing uptake of IT outsourcing.
Continue readingThe software and IT service market could recover by the end of the year part of the decline registered in the first half of 2009, as some major projects are expected to be launched both in the public and private sectors, according to the Managing Director for Central and Eastern Europe of Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC) research and strategic consulting company.
Continue readingShareholders of Disig, a.s. have approved on their General Meeting, held on August 20th, 2009, a repurchase of 51% majority share of the company.
Continue readingShareholders of Disig, a.s. have approved on their General Meeting, held on August 20th, 2009, a repurchase of 51% majority share of the company.
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