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Quality assurance engineers of EffectiveSoft Company demonstrate deep knowledge in testing techniques and high professionalism, the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) certification program vividly approves their skills.

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Companies Pexim and Antegra finalized Basel II regulations Workshop on 20th November 2008 in the “Holiday Inn” hotel in Belgrade.

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On November 17, IBA took part in the 4th international conference for quality assurance specialists SQADays 2008 that was held in Minsk, Belarus. The event was organized by Testing Laboratory SQALab, Russia.

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BMI expects the Czech IT market to grow at a rate well above that of the economy as a whole, and projects a CAGR of 9% for the 2008-2012 forecast period.

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Market Overview Following Bulgaria’s EU accession on January 1 2007, the new member state is set to be transformed by a number of programmes designed to assimilate it into the EU’s broader ‘Information Society’.

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IT outsourcing service providers will increasing supply smaller and more adaptable arrangements, a study predicts.

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The rapid growth over the past 5 years placed AROBS on the 49th position in the top of the first 500 technology companies in Europe, Middle East and Africa – Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA 2008, a top of companies with the fastest rates of annual revenue growth.

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More and more Polish companies are understanding the benefits of outsourcing, a new study shows.

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The 8th traditional Education Management conference, organized by Planet GV and Sofos Institute for Education Management, hosted the seventh annual award ceremony for TOP 10 Slovenian companies who invest the most resources into education and systematically strive for education and training (TOP 10 Education Management 2008).

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Sygnity has launched the introduction of analytical platform based on the Oracle Business Intelligence system in the telecommunications company Sferia S.A.

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