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Comarch, a global IT business solutions provider and system integrator, employing over 3500 people worldwide, possessing in its offer solutions for Fixed and Broadband Operators, will be participating in an event that focuses mainly on convergence of carrier networks.

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Sygnity (the consortium’s leader) and Polska Telefonia Komorkowa – Centertel – an Orange operator, acting jointly as a Contractors Consortium, have concluded an agreement with the Central Statistical Office based in Warsaw.

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BPO Voice talked to Mr. Andrew Hallam, founding member and President of Aspire – the Association of IT and Business Process Services Companies in Poland about his views and opinion on the various trends and challenges for Poland as one of the upcoming destination for the outsourcing industry.

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Comarch, a global business solutions provider and system integrator and Tango Telecom, a leading provider of real-time charging, control and messaging solutions for mobile operators, today announced that 6GMOBILE, a Dutch mobile operator, continues its relationship with Comarch by selecting the Comarch Convergent Billing solution.

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Professor Janusz Filipiak, Comarch Founder and CEO, presented the face of the corporate strategy during the opening of Comarch‘s new headquarters in Lille, France.

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Pursuant to § 5 clause 1 point 22 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodical information to be published.

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The supply of hardware and software for the project “Development of the electronic public services in City Hall of Raciborz” is the subject of the first agreement.

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Software Mind SA and Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Ltd. (operator of the Era GSM network) have signed an agreement concerning cooperation based on which the Krakow-based software house takes over the current maintenance of software to support the processes of construction and maintenance of GSM / DCS / UMTS networks.

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Software Mind S.A. invites to the ICT Systems in Stadiums conference, which will be held on 17 June 2009 in Warsaw.

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Capgemini today said that it is expanding its presence in Eastern Europe to meet ongoing client demand for outsourcing services by adding a new first line support help desk centre in Poland.

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