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If there’s a sure sign that offshore outsourcing has hit the mainstream, it’s that it’s increasingly hard to distinguish the sales techniques of a Wipro or a TCS from an Accenture or IBM.

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IT departments should beware of buying additional outsourced services from their existing offshore providers. Here are eight steps to consider before signing new statements of work.

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IBA looks back on German breakthrough, plans for future

The July 2, 2010 issue of IT Europa (#12) published an interview with Ulrich Lasarzik, CEO of the IBA Group’s German office. Entitled IBA looks back on German breakthrough, plans for future, the feature examines how IBA IT GmbH was set up and grew in parallel with the German IT industry.

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Slovenian IT services market declined nearly 8% year on year in 2009 to total $341 million. Measured in Euros the decline was 3% compared with 2008.

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Yahoo’s Top Priorities for Order to Cash Services

Hernan Lopez Varela, Senior Director, Microsoft Alliance at Yahoo discusses the initial challenges of outsourcing to a BPO Provider and the importance of building a strong partnership

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Outsourcing is often confused with off shoring. This article defines the value that outsourcers can bring to a customer. Outsourcing is an overused and misunderstood word. For some people it is movement of labor off shore. For others it is the hiring of a specialty firm to do some task.

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Outsourcing researchers have gathered practical tips for more productive, profitable and peaceful outsourcing relationships between customers and IT services providers from the work of economist and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Oliver Williamson.

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“Outsourcing, by definition, requires the buyer to relinquish control of a process to the supplier, who is an expert in the process and able to perform it better, faster, and cheaper,” stated Peter Bendor-Samuel, CEO of global sourcing advisory firm, Everest Group, in a 2004 interview for an Outsourcing Journal article.

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“Trial by fire.” That’s how many outsourcing buyers’ relationship managers describe their job. They’re the ones who lack prior experience or training in how to manage an outsourcing relationship but nevertheless are required to take on that responsibility.

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Are you a small business owner? What does Business Process outsourcing mean to you?

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