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A week to week magazine on computer states that there is a boom in the outsourcing of IT by 5.9% amongst the other businesses which have been outsourced by the business at large.

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Many companies insist that an in-house support remains the best method in servicing your company’s IT needs.

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Retail companies are going to increasingly invest in their technologies, which could lead them to turn to providers of IT outsourcing in London.

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Distance, time zones, culture and language no longer limit where companies of any size have customers, suppliers or service providers in this age of seamless commerce between continents.

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The headlines in offshore outsourcing in 2010 may focus less on the quantity of work organizations are sending overseas and more on where they’re sending it.

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Industry watchers predict an increase in offshore IT outsourcing in the new year. But 2010 is hardly expected to be a banner year for offshoring—better than 2009 but far from historic growth levels.

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Europe has overtaken North America as the region that spends the most money on outsourcing in the world.

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Europe has overtaken North America as the region that spends the most money on outsourcing in the world.

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Both suppliers and outsourcing customers could be in for a bumpy ride in 2010. Here are 10 trends to look out for as the IT services industry finds its feet in the “new normal” of the post-recession.

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Ovum Analyst Peter Ryan said: “Onshoring centers in North America, Europe and Australia/New Zealand, are already seeing vacancy rates that are substantially higher than usual”

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