The volume of software production of Hi-Tech Park resident-companies in Jan-June 2012 amounted to 1, 2 billion BYR. The growth rate amounted 321% compared to the same period of the last year, or 144% with due account of the deflator. The export of software and IT-services in the first six months of 2012 amounted to [...]
Continue readingIssued by the 9th APEC Telecommunications and Information Ministerial Meeting APEC Ministers today called for increased cooperation between members and other key stakeholders to promote widespread access and secure use of information and communications technology (ICT) to further drive economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region. A roadmap for achieving this was articulated in the St.Petersburg [...]
Continue readingWorldwide spending for IT outsourcing (ITO) services is on pace to reach US$251.7 billion in 2012, a 2.1 percent increase from 2011 spending of $246.6 billion, according to the latest outlook by Gartner, Inc. The fastest-growing segment within the ITO market is cloud compute services, which is part of the cloud-based infrastructure as a service [...]
Continue readingOver the last eight years, the volume of software development and IT outsourcing services the Ukraine has provided has grown by a factor ten, according to the “Exploring Ukraine. IT Outsourcing Industry” report, just published by Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative, leading association of Ukrainian software development and IT outsourcing companies. In 2011 the volume of IT [...]
Continue readingAttract as much as possible foreign investment into Russia in the developing global crisis. Such has been the task set by Prime Minister Medvedev for his government. He is suggesting that Russian legislation should be amended to simplify access for foreign investment into strategic sectors. Another important thing to be done is the elimination of [...]
Continue readingAPEC Ministers Responsible for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) concluded their meeting today in St Petersburg, Russia by issuing a joint statement on promoting SME cooperation to deliver greater innovative growth in the Asia-Pacific region. In the Joint Statement, APEC Ministers endorsed a new four-year strategic plan for guiding member economies’ on-going work to address [...]
Continue readingUnited Nations Food and Agriculture Organization chose OWLIM for their new website data.fao.org The data.fao.org website blends together statistics, maps, pictures, and documents on food and agriculture from throughout the Organization. “After evaluating several triplestore options, both commercial and open source, we decided to use OWLIM 5, a native and pure Java RDF database engine [...]
Continue readingInfopulse Ukraine has implemented a request management system for UkrSibbank, which is part of BNP Paribas Group. The new system is based on Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Project Server integration. Based on Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Project Server, Infopulse Ukraine has implemented an Issues Management Server Engine System, which is designed for request management at [...]
Continue readingValentin Makarov, head of software industry trade group RUSSOFT, declared at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June that Russian software exports may reach $5 billion 2012 – up from $4 billion in 2011 and $3.1 billion in 2010. A RUSSOFT report, published early in 2010, said that in 2009, exports of IT services [...]
Continue readingIBM and five leading Russian innovation companies — the Skolkovo Foundation, Rusnano, Rostelecom, Russian Venture Company and ITFY — signed a collaboration agreement earlier this month to help spur a new wave of innovation in Russian technology. Key to the initiative is the creation of a new Electronics Technology Center (ETC) to be housed at [...]
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