The volume of software production of Hi-Tech Park resident-companies in Jan-June 2012 amounted to 1, 2 billion BYR.
The growth rate amounted 321% compared to the same period of the last year, or 144% with due account of the deflator.
The export of software and IT-services in the first six months of 2012 amounted to 135 million USD and increased by 153%.
As of July 1st, 2012 109 companies are registered in HTP with 12 510 IT-professionals. During Jan-Jun 2012 594 new working places were created at HTP.
Valery Tsepkalo, HTP Director:
“We are glad that not only outsourcing model of export-oriented programming is developing at HTP, but a product model too. Today about half of HTP resident-companies produce their own hi-tech software products both on the market of B2B (ERP-systems, integrated banking systems, software for banks automation, corporate cloud platforms) and B2C (mobile applications for Android, iOS, computer games). Of course, the product model involves a higher risk, because you do not know how the market will meet this or that development. It creates certain difficulties for developers, but at the same time opens up new perspectives.”