Joint seminar of InterComp and The Chamber in Ukraine was held on March, 25 within the framework of the Chamber’s “Competitiveness of the Ukrainian Economy” Series – Specifics of Business and Tax Accounting for Representative Offices”.
Continue readingAt the EMEAI Conference in Sorrento, Italy the largest private gas supplier in Poland G.EN.Gaz Energia has received the “GE Fast Tracker Award 2009”.
Continue readingLayoffs are an unfortunate but predictable byproduct of an economy in decline. As the global economic crisis stretches into yet another month, companies in nearly all industries continue the painful process of purging employees in an effort to reduce costs.
Continue readingCulture has often been cited as one of the biggest barriers to successful offshore outsourcing. To know more about how culture differences show up, one can either rely on research studies or on first hand observations and experience.
Continue readingInternational exhibition on Automation, Instrumentation & Controls, Information Technology & Software Solutions, Building Automation, Safety & Environment, Electricals & Energy Conservation, Security Electronics, Telecommunications.
Continue readingIn the latest issue of it & t business, leading Austrian business magazine for enterprise computing, telecom, Internet and e-business that is enjoyed by more than 50,000 readers, Intellias has been highlighted as a competent and reliable partner for nearshore software development.
Continue readingA computer virus spreading beyond Earth to the International Space Station and a hacker intrusion into the Large Hadron Collider computer network illustrate how IT security, or rather a lack of it, can endanger major human undertakings, whether due to human error or negligence, technical failure, or faulty design.
Continue readingLeading global technology consulting company, Columbus IT Middle East was recently awarded the ‘Partner of the Year 2008′ by Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft’s ERP solutions division.
Continue readingSygnity has signed an agreement with Polska Ceramika Ogniotrwala “Zarow” SA for implementation of ERP system – MS Dynamics AX.
Continue readingE-learning providers strive to be the first to add the newest functions to their e-learning platforms.
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