Sygnity is to implement MS Dynamics AX system in Polska Ceramika Ogniotrwala “Zarow” SA

Sygnity has signed an agreement with Polska Ceramika Ogniotrwala “Zarow” SA for implementation of ERP system – MS Dynamics AX. The implemented solution will significantly facilitate management of the key areas of the company, i.e. production, by providing reliable, current information about the production possibilities and order delivery date. It will allow for better use of production capabilities of the company. Moreover, the new system shall allow the Management Board of Polska Ceramika Ogniotrwala (PCO) for more efficient and quicker adjustment to the changing business environment. The project introduced in PCO is the first implementation of Dynamics AX solution in this type of trade in Europe. The project will be completed until 1 January 2010.

Sygnity is to implement the following modules of the MS Dynamics AX system: Production and Production Planning, Human Resources (Personnel and Remuneration), Finances, Fixed Assets, Controlling, Sales and Distribution, Materials Management, Shopping and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

“The main aim of this implementation is to achieve more efficient and effective management of the company, including, among other things, production, which is a key area in our company – said Mr. Slawomir Klosek, Sales Director of Polska Ceramika Ogniotrwala “Zarow” SA – However, we do realise that achieving success at implementation of the system is not easy and that is why we have trusted Sygnity as a company whose competence and experience are extremely important for the success of this project”.

Microsoft Dynamics AX is a flexible ERP system that may be easily adjusted to the needs of medium and big companies. Working with this system is similar to servicing an application from the Microsoft family, such as Microsoft Office or Microsoft SQL Server. Thanks to similar working environment, its users may quickly master software servicing and benefit from its functions

Source: Sygnity

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