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The sudden, sharp change in market conditions in the last six months of 2008 paralysed activity in the outsourcing sector.

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Ukraine-based software engineering company Softheme introduces new service package that offers outsourcing of software maintenance and re-engineering.

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Gothenburg University has chosen to purchase a storage service from archiving and storage specialists Proact.

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IT outsourcing could be one of the processes secure businesses turn to during the credit crunch, an expert asserts.

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Cost optimisation will begin to focus on restructuring business processes, potentially through IT outsourcing.

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Buyers renewing an outsourcing contract earlier than the point in time when the contract is due for renewal or exit is a highly effective strategy in building a mutually beneficial long-term relationship.

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When times are tough, you know who your true friends are. The same can be said for the value of an outsourcing provider that consistently demonstrates its worth during hard economic times.

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De Novo, a company providing professional IT services, announces establishment of a research center De Novo Laboratory.

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Indian IT majors are still finding a major share of their revenue from European market through project services, while most of the MNCs prefer to go with long-term outsourcing contracts.

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For some years, credit has been growing faster than economic activity. In 1980, debt levels for US banks were running at 21 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP).

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