Mixed results have shown that offshore IT outsourcing -- all the rage for the past decade -- has over-promised and under-delivered. …
Current research provides clarity into root causes - why some clients fail at their outsourcing …
Your software development effort has been outsourced to a CMM Level 5 vendor. You think you have strict…
Researchers at the London School of Economics' Outsourcing Unit say middle managers are critical to outsourcing success, but…
While outsourcing is a powerful tool to cut costs, improve performance, and refocus on the core business, outsourcing initiatives often fall short of management’s expectations. Outsourcing failures are rarely reported…
When there is an outsourcing failure in the application software area, “poor partner performance” is…
SSON’s 13th Annual Shared Services Week is the largest annual gathering of Shared Services professionals…
The phrase 2.0 has been bandied about since 2004 and it has become the de facto appendage to make a service offering slick, cool, hyped and worthy of attention of…