Is outsourcing your IT support right for you? Companies of every size and budget have outsourcing opportunities but need strategies to determine when it’s the right step, what level of outsourcing is appropriate, and where it’s the wrong move.
Continue readingOutsourcing business is governing the business world today. Irrespective of whichever sector you consider you are likely to find some kind of outsourcing taking place.
Continue readingCIOs who establish clear requirements, a well-defined sourcing strategy, internal alignment and structure in supplier selection and management processes should expect to receive big dividends in the business value delivered from outsourcing initiatives.
Continue readingThe NOA’s annual Offshoring and Global Outsourcing Day will examine the dynamics in the market, feature key note speeches from industry leaders and question organisations who have implemented global sourcing strategies.
Continue readingThe outsourcing industry has experienced considerable change during the past few years. At a global level, demand for outsourcing generally remains robust as new contracts are signed, and old ones renewed or renegotiated.
Continue readingThe first step to successful offshore operation is to formulate a solid and feasible outsourcing strategy.
Continue readingWith the credit crisis still reverberating around the global financial industry and impacting balance sheets, 2008 promises to bring an increased focus on outsourcing and offshoring arrangements.
Continue readingThe first step to successful offshore operation is to formulate a solid and feasible outsourcing strategy.
Continue readingYou can choose blue-chip service providers and sign innovative, iron-clad, risk-sharing contracts — but still not achieve successful results if you underestimate the importance of Change Management and governance in outsourcing.
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