Prospects for the software development industry in Moldova

The company of Deeplace together with the PR–agency of ParcCommunication was conducted the round-table meeting of the prospects for the development of the software branch of Moldova.

The meeting took place on June 10 2008 in the conference hall «Summit».

At the meeting were invited the members of the club of the economic mass-media (press) of Moldova and television channel «TV-7».
In front of journalists had been  appeared:

  • Kunev Veaceslav – director of the company of Deeplace;
  • Cosuleanu Ion – Project Manager «E-Governance Project» (UNDP Moldova);
  • Tuhari Pavel – director of the companyUniversal Accounting (Unisim-Soft SRL);
  • Galamaga Evghenii – the top manager of the company of «Allied Testing».

In the course of encounter the following themes were raised and discussed:

  • the dynamics of the development of branch  and its prospect-in the directions information systems, the development of soft, the development of sites, of shore programming and others;
  • the conclusion of the software solutions in the mass user the Internet ,the banking sector, the government sector;
  • the state policy in the region of license of soft (examples of other countries);
  • the accessibility of soft (domestic) developers for the Moldavian users.

Source: Deeplace

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