Monday 20th & Tuesday 21st June 2011.
2 Day Conference + Awards Ceremony on the evening of Monday 20th June.
Brief summary:
The European Outsourcing Association (EOA) Summit & Awards brings together Europe’s leading outsourcing suppliers, end-users and support services for a two-day conference focusing on the latest innovations, trends and developments in outsourcing. The EOA has more than 1,000 corporate members from seven national trade associations (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, UK and Spain).
Madrid, Spain.
Includes trends and predictions for Pan-European outsourcing; Global Sourcing; Public Sector Outsourcing; Multi-sourcing on a pan-European scale; SaaS & Cloud Computing; a variety of best practice streams – full programme available on our website.
Head of EMEA Procurement, Apple Inc
ICT Director, Bolton County Council
Head of Commercial, National Rail Enquiries
Global Lead, AstraZeneca
Associate Director, Repsol
Vice Secretary of Technology, Confederaciуn Espaсola de Cajas de Ahorro (CECA)
Chief Procurement Officer, Centrica
and more…
Attendees from 2010 included:
Volvo, ING Direct, AXA Belgium, Van Lanschot Bankiers, United Utilities, Trestle Group, Deutsche Leasing AG, The Walt Disney Company, Stream Global Services, pliXos, Omnext BV, Honeywell, Deutsche Telekom AG, Deloitte, DB Netz AG and Acerta.
Companies confirmed as attending this year include:
Visionlab, T-Systems, Telefonica Espana, Repsol, DHL Supply Chain, Adecco, Amadeus, Enagas, Hitachi, Steria, Fujitsu, ITM Platform, Vocento, Universidad Euroea de Madrid and Capgemini.