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IDC’s Cloud Computing and Datacenter Roadshow 2013

Recent IDC cloud research shows that Worldwide spending on public IT cloud services is expected to approach $100 billion in 2016. Over the 2012–2016 forecast period, public IT cloud services will enjoy a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.4%, five times that of the IT industry overall, as companies accelerate their shift to the [...]

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IT in Government: Transformation Technologies

Today’s Government wants to: Better justify, select, and implement technology to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of government performance and service Manage technology programs with increased confidence and success Achieve value creation through the integration of technology as a strategic investment – not an expense The IT in Government: Transformation Technologies conference is created [...]

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Deloitte Consulting’s 2013 Global Contact Center Survey Results

Webinar Content: A discussion on the “Top 10 Insights” from the survey and their implications on your contact center A review of the 2013 Global Contact Center Survey results and key insights across the categories of Geography, Organization & Scope, Operations, and Future Plans Open Q&A to discuss implications on considerations for your contact center [...]

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Outsourcing Risk Mitigation and Critical Success Factors

Outsourcing is a strategic, highly successful business tool for positive organizational change. Nonetheless, managing outsourcing relationships can be a complex process. This webinar will look at what drives outsourcing success and will present a framework that covers risk identification and mitigation strategy. As companies seek and refine methods for extending an internal IT organization’s stretched [...]

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Annual Turnover of the Group of Companies “Penki kontinentai”: LTL 122.8 Million

The group of companies “Penki kontinentai” successfully completed the year 2012. The annual turnover of the company amounted to LTL 122.8 million, which is 5 percent more than in 2011. Traditionally, the leader of the group of companies under the financial performance during 2012 is the company “Penkių kontinentų bankinės technologijos” (BS/2), which specializes in [...]

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Resco Presents Its New Division — Resco Services

Resco, a leading provider of mobile software solutions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, introduces today Resco Services. The aim of this division is to address specific needs and requirements of Resco’s partners and their customers, to help them with tailoring the mobile solution, accelerating the decision process and ensuring the best possible user experience. “We saw [...]

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Practices Look to Health IT to Minimize Declines in Profits

A decline in reimbursements has a majority of physician practices preparing for a downward trend in profitability, according to research published by Power Your Practice. “The greatest challenges stem from the gap between changes underway at a systemic level and their real-world impact on the daily lives of physicians, staff and patients,” state the authors [...]

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7 More IT Outsourcing Lessons From Offshoring Pioneers

We offer seven more bits of wisdom accrued over nearly 20 years. 1. Expand Your Horizons Once upon a time, India was the only destination for offshore IT work. And it remained the premier location–in terms of maturity, skills, and scale–for years. But, as the offshore pioneers learned the hard way, geographic diversity is important. [...]

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How to Close Your Next IT Outsourcing Deal: Handshake vs. Contract

Would you trade your thousand-page outsourcing contract–the one that provides commitment, certainty, and clear-cut requirements and pricing–for a much simpler master services agreement and a handshake with your IT service provider? Thomas Young, partner at outsourcing consultancy and research firm Information Services Group (ISG), thinks you should. For years, outsourcing industry experts have likened a [...]

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10 Best (and Worst) IT Offshoring Options for English Proficiency

There’s some good news for CIOs who struggle with communication and language issues offshore — and sometimes onshore as well. Global business English proficiency, on average, has increased during the past year, according to tests given to global employees in 78 countries. GlobalEnglish, a Brisbane, Calif.-based provider of on-demand English language instruction to customers including [...]

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