After two successful conferences – in Krakow, October 2007 and in Budapest, November 2008 – the 3rd CEE-SPI will be taking place in Bucharest in October 2009. Thanks to the high level of education and the quality of software engineers in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), many R&D centers have been established in CEE by big multinational companies, and local companies are increasingly selling their services abroad (Nearshore development, IT outsourcing).
However, having first-class software engineers is not the only success factor for a project. The process capability of an organization will also strongly influence the final results. The “competitors” of CEE, in particular India and China, have been implementing programs to improve the quality of their processes for years. To sustain their competitiveness CEE companies also need to be moving in that direction. Global companies wishing to outsource their development or planning to acquire software are increasingly using maturity models like CMMI® or ISO 15504 (SPICE) to assess risks related to their suppliers.services abroad (Nearshore development, IT outsourcing).
This conference serves as a forum for CEE companies to report and share their experiences in improving their software process capabilities. It also serves to raise awareness about the need for professional, mature processes as a key competitive weapon.
KUGLER MAAG CIE, the leading European consulting company in process improvement and organizer of this conference, as well as its partners around CEE – in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia … – are looking forward to seeing you in Bucharest, Romania, for our 3rd CEE-SPI conference on 21st and 22nd of October 2009!