A1QA to attend Butler Group’s software testing and test management event in London September 17.
The London event will gather UK’s leading software testing vendors, experts and project managers to share their experience in Application Lifecycle Management. They will present a number of case studies and deliver presenations covering topics on software testing, introduce the benefits of testing automation and independent testing practices.
Software testing is of great importance in the develpment lifecyle and vendors knew that all along. What they didn’t pay a lot of attention to was the fact that it’s always a better idea to have independent testing team, rather than have developers perform the testing. Independent testers are paid for proving that bugs exist rather than that the program is working, and most time this view makes a lot of difference.
How much testing is really enough? Independent quality assurance and testing vendors know the answer to this question whereas the development team and product managers often don’t. Presenters at the Butler event will pay specific attention to the latest advances and thinking on this question.
Join us at Butler Group’s software testing event in London on Septermer 17th. Learn where independent testing fits in your software development project.