A1QA Launches New Services for Telecom Companies

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine proficient communication and maintaining a successful business without the modern means of communication: Internet, mobile communications, VoIP and phones have rooted in our pockets, offices and homes. Consumers expect reliability, 24/7 availability and introduction of advanced cutting-edge services from telecom companies. A1QA has extensive experience and competence in testing applications for various carriers and now offers solutions for developing an effective testing process, as well as solutions for automated quality assurance systems for telecoms.

A1QA presents a set of new QA services for telecoms. Long-term experience in this area gives our customers the following benefits:

  • launch a process of continuous software QA, ranging from the requirements gathering stage;
  • competent team-work in testing and telecommunications industry eliminates problems associated with lack of own resources;
  • prevention of problems and defects, in particular those, which are capable of causing inconvenience to subscribers, and might cause significant financial and image damage to the carrier;
  • shortening of the time-to-market stage via effective and efficient work of our experts, with great experience and knowledge in the subject area;
  • solutions for routine problems that may demotivate customer’s employees, and lead to client’s inability to concentrate on solving direct business objectives.

You will be surprised by the individual integrated approach offered by A1QA: we aim primarily at achieving the best results for our customers. A1QA offers a wide choice of cooperation models: from single phases to carrying out all required tasks in the complex. Our team can work both remotely and on-site. We can set up remote access if a client wishes.

A1QA specialists have experience in providing services in the following areas:

  • BSS – solutions in billing, payments, m-Commerce, CRM, subscription services domains, etc.;
  • OSS – solutions designed to manage problems, services, monitoring infrastructure, ensure profitability and minimize risk of fraud, etc.

These types of systems demand high requirements, which can be met by addressing issues related to quality control of operating systems and updates, as well as maintaining adequate levels of performance, reliability and security.

Source: A1QA

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