After the succesful attendance at the Mobile World Congress, motiware goes to Hannover

After the successful attendance at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ITware, the Hungarian expert for IT and telecommunication solutions presents MOTIware the latest mobile TV application for the international market at CeBIT in Hannover. 

Now there is a high interest towards many of the company.s developments and the name of ITware is known for many mobile operators and media companies, as it was experienced at Mobil World Congress as well.

“We are really proud that in Hannover we are able to introduce MOTIware which provides a new and unique dimension of mobile TV” – said Sandor Danko, managing director of ITware Ltd.

At CeBIT ITware presents MOTIware that is able to revolutionise mobile TV usage by transforming it to a community application and can be a long term profitable service for mobile operators and content providers.

For more and detailed information please visit ITware at CeBIT at Hall 3, stand H10 where the developers themselves will answer all the questions.

Source: ITware

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