On April 7, 2012, Dave Nielsen, a co-founder of CloudCamp movement who assisted in organizing more than 200 “unconferences” around the world, came to Minsk (Belarus) and brought cloud movement to Eastern Europe. Although, the so-called unconferences are very popular in the USA and Western Europe, cloud advocates from Eastern region didn’t have a chance to try a new format so far and, finally, they’ve been lucky.
The spacious room could hardly seat all the attendees who are passionate about cloud computing. The conference featured leading engineers from Microsoft Russia, Fujitsu Technology Solutions, Ciklum, HP who shared their experience in working with particular cloud systems, defined the problems they faced, explained how they overcame them, and highlighted the benefits they got from using cloud solutions.
Dave says, cloud computing is OSSM (awesome), which stands for on-demand, self-service, scalable, and measurable. We do agree with him!
More and more questions appeared on the white boards for unpanel discussion. Thanks to the open format of the conference, the participants were free to ask about everything. They selected the topics they wanted to be discussed and wrote down the questions for the experts.
Some participants took a chance to talk to Dave Nielsen (whose “alternative name” is Mr. Cloud), who willingly shared his opinion on cloud trends, perspectives, some good practices, and successful cases.
During the Breakout Sessions, the participants could get additional information on the issues that still seemed unclear to them. The unconference format helps to break the barrier between the speakers and attendants and encourages a more fruitful cooperation.