ARiMR has implemented the largest MPLS network in public administration

EXATEL, in cooperation with Telekomunikacja Kolejowa has finished implementation one of the largest data transmission networks in Poland. The system is based on modern MPLS technology and has been developed for the Agency of Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture. This project shall help the agency to manage funds form European Union accurately and enables on-line application for subsidies for agricultural production.

The implemented wide VPN MPLS network has covered 324 ARiMR offices including the headquarters and all regional and local offices around Poland. The project has been developed by the consortium of EXATEL and Telekomunikacja Kolejowa according to the agreement signed on the June 17th 2008 after winning an open tender. The service developed is based on data transmission lines and VPN channels combined. The agreement was signed for 4 years and its value totals to almost 30 m PLN.

“Construction of modern and scalable network with broader width of the bands guarantees much faster data transmission between different offices and higher security of the data. Moreover, it is much cheaper than our previous system. We are saving the cost of data transmission service.”  – said Marek Steciuk, Deputy Director of the IT Department in ARiMR. The new network enables wider stream and much faster data transmission than the previously used Frame Relay, he added. As a result all applications related to the development of the agriculture function much more accurately, what allows the introduction of the online application procedure for agricultural subsidies.

“VPN MPLS is a needful solution in all institutions, which require fast, save and accurate communication between their dispersed locations. Simple configuration and easy way of reconfiguring the network allow fast adaptation to the needs of the constantly evolving organizations.” – said Aleksander Biernacki, Director of the Public Administration Sector in EXATEL SA. He emphasized that the VPN MPLS enables differentiation of the streamed traffic according to the data priority. This instrument significantly increases the effectiveness of the band.

EXATEL has specialized in implementing VPN MPLS for many years. In 2002, it was the first operator in Poland to create a network based on this technology. Since then, it has accomplished many VPN projects based on different technologies. In march this year, EXATEL together with Telekomunikacja Kolejowa has lauched one of the largest wide transmission networks (VPN MPLS) in Poland. The project has been realized for the Ministry of Justice covering all 327 of its offices.

Among the clients of EXATEL there are many institutions form public administration such as: Ministry of National Defence (MON), National Heath Fund (NFZ), Supreme Chamber of Control (NIK), National Labour Inspectorate (PIP), Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR), Ministry of Justice (MS), Office of Electronic Communication (UKE), Office of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), Ministry of Interior and Administration (MSWiA). EXATEL provides its services also many companies from banking and finance sector such as: PKO Bank Polski SA and Raiffeisen Bank Polska SA.

Source: EXATEL

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